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Dr. Ellison Attends Global Clear Aligner Course in Madrid

September 25, 2023

dr ellison at spain fountain Dr. Ellison has over 30 years of experience in general and cosmetic dentistry – but every moment she can she is learning the newest techniques and best practices for creating beautiful, custom smiles in Houston. One opportunity that she took part in this fall was a Global Clear Aligner Course in Madrid, Spain!

Training Alongside Experts

Dr. Ellison trained alongside world-renowned experts in aligner orthodontics – Dr. Kenji Ojima and Dr. Ramon Mompell. Dr. Ellison spent 4 days attending courses and seminars learning the latest techniques in clear alignment. Specifically, Dr. Ellison will be learning the key functions and purposes of MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander / Midfacial Skeletal Expander), Invisalign, and the newest techniques by GRAPHY Memory Shape Aligners.

Bringing the New Techniques to Susan Ellison Dentistry & Cosmetics


GRAPHY’S Shape Memory Aligners will be a game changer for clear aligner therapy. There are so many benefits for our patients. For one, we will be able to print the aligners right here in our office and deliver them to our patients faster, with no more waiting for weeks. In addition, because of the material used for the aligner, we can accomplish the alignment of the teeth WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS! That’s right, no metal brackets or wires that traditional braces require and no tooth-colored attachments used in most clear aligner therapy. Now that is a game-changer! We hope to bring this in the near future and we will be one of a small percentage in the United States and in the world offering this amazing option.


The Maxillary Expansion is life-changing for some patients with a very narrow arch and crowded teeth which is usually accompanied by constricted airways making breathing through the nose more difficult. Not only does this expand the palate to widen the arch and make more room for the teeth to be aligned properly, but it can actually enhance and widen the patient’s airways and give them the ability to breathe normally throughout their lifetime. Things to look for if you suspect that this may be something you could benefit from:

  • Narrow arch
  • High palate rather than flat
  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • Face shape is long and narrow

Dr. Ellison cannot wait to bring back this new-found knowledge to her Houston-area patients. While her time in Spain went fast, we are certain that the information Dr. Ellison is bringing home will have a great impact for her dentistry patients. Here’s a peek at her trip.

Always Be Learning

Professional development and continuing education are so important to Dr. Ellison. This allows her to remain at the forefront of her incredibly competitive field. Embracing the latest advancements in technology and staying informed of emerging trends and innovations is a passion of hers. Part of doing that was this amazing Aligner Global Program course in Spain alongside world leaders of clear alignment. Dr. Ellison is on track to becoming a Platinum Invisalign Provider!